Love The Person NeXT To You - What we are all about?

Love the person NeXT to you encourage people to give unconditional love to every other human being. That love is not limited to families and friends but can be given to anyone. Giving out love is not hard to do, perhaps it is so simple and easy that sometimes you didn't realize that you are actually giving love. So let's join us in this united nation of human love and bring peace to the world

Thursday, October 29, 2009

We are now on Facebook!

hey people with good heart!

Just wanted to let you guys know that we are now on Facebook. I just created a group on Facebook and it is called Love The Person NExT to You. So, if you are not really a blog person, you can just follow us on Facebook :)

Anyway, we are collecting things/stuff now so we can do another donation projet and probably focused more on those guys who sleep on the street. So, if anyone wanted to give away/donate their stuff, just feel free to contact us.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The First Project DONE! (Updated)

The First Project is DONE!!!!First of all, we would like to dedicate special thanks to our friends who have been there to support us though it's been raining heavily :-> idraki, idraki's mom, amirin, budin,alia and moon

We manage to give out more than half of the books and clothes that we have. We couldn't finish giving out all clothes since it was raining quite heavily. Even though the weather wasn't that nice, no music played but we still had fun and we are still grateful that our project is done :)

I will write more on what happened today for our first project. As for now, we have to move on to our uni life and prepare for our exam. But I promise to update more on this in a few days time. Hopefully, we will have more supporters after this :) Anyways, these are a few picture that were taken from that day. Look at the happy faces. Lovely!

Update - Sorry for taking some time to update our blog. When we started our booth/stall on that day, we hang all the clothes we had on a little green hut(as seen in the picture)next to the Newtown Neighbourhood Center, some of the passersby were laughing at us. I don't blame them since we look like we were drying our cloth on a public space. But when we started to put free clothes&books sign, few people started to approach us. From their face, I can see that they are still wondering that whether this is a true free sign or just an advertisement that uses big free sign on their posters but put a little word below that say "free second cloth with a first buy". So then we approaced them, saying "Good Day Sir, these are all free and you are free to take anything from here" and they will go like "Oh yeah?" picking up few clothes and books and then go back home with a little smile of satisfaction on their face.

Some other people came and ask us for the reason we are doing this. Sometimes when people ask, we didn't have definite answer to their question. As before we started this project, we are pretty sure that we wanted to help people. But when people are actually asking why we are doing this, it took us sometime to actually give an answer. I guess, we don't really need a reason to help other people, don't we?

Helping other people isn't as hard as we thought. In a very common situation, we frequently see someone donating money as a charity and we had this thought in our head that says "Oh, that's very kind of them. But of course they can do that, they have lots of money and perhaps too much to be kept". At least, I always felt that way. That kind of thought is perhaps wrong. Love The Person NeXT To You will try to prove this wrong, that we don't have to be super rich to help others. As students, we don't have that much money to be donated but we do have a few small change from buying lunch/dinner. So why not giving that few coins that will eventually end up under the couch to the homeless guy who is less fortunate than we are. Or maybe when we have extra food from our lunch, why not putting it into a container and give it to the homeless instead of taking it back home and keeping it until the smell actually annoy you. Sharing is always good, helping is better and guess what, it is not actually hard when you start to do it. Plus, you'll feel good after all.

This is one story that I wanted to share. I remembered one extremely hot day(which reminded us of the weather in our hometown). We came back from Uni and change our cloth. At first we wanted to just rest at home, but since the weather is so nice that day, we decided to go out and have a drink. Random thoughts came and we decided to buy extra drink and give it to the homeless. They might have been as thirsty as we do. So, we buy few cans of coconut drink and took a walk along the street.

We eventually found one homeless guy in front of Franklin. We gave him one drink then we walk further to find another person to give that extra coconut drink. We saw one man sitting on a chair across the street. So we stopped and waited for the green light to cross the street.Before the light has turned green, we saw that man from Franklin running to the man on the chair and gave him that coconut drink. We were shocked for a moment, I mean he's just a homeless but he's willing to share what he has with his friends. Then we started to realize that people are just different in the inside than from the outside. He might have looked dirty and ugly and scary to some people, but deep inside he has the purest heart. He is just a human being like us after all.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The First Project

This blog is still under development and the development has been progressing slowly due to time constraint. Sorry for the delay! :P Both of us are pretty busy at the moment preparing for our final exam.

However, this doesn't stop us from spreading the love to the world. And our first project together will take place this Sunday in Newtown. This project is intended to help homeless people around this area. Not much can be done at the moment, we can only give out free clothes and books.

These stuff are mainly belong to us, or from our friends who have gone back to our hometown in Malaysia. We are still collecting stuff from anyone who wanted to donate. Donation doesn't only limited to clothes and books but can range to almost anything that is still useable like comforters, sleeping bags, shoes, bags, electrical stuff or even toys. We hope by giving out this free clothes, they can have a wonderful Christmas/New Year which is approaching soon. Some of the homeless actually have families and pets. So, other stuff donated like toys etc can be very helpful for them.

Not much can be done to help this people who have been forgotten by society. We have to remember that they are also human being, like all of us is. Human will help other human. All humans are brothers and sister except those who have devour their life to the evils.

So, why not doing the smallest deed out of our busy ongoing life for these homeless. So, please do support our projects. You don't even have to be a member to help us and other people. If you want to give out any donation (especially from locals who live in Newtown), just email us and we can come and collect it from you. Or, just feel free to visit our event this Sunday at Newtown Neighbourhood Centre. God's willing, we will have a nice day on that day, probably some music and free drink. But there is for sure free clothes and books to give away! And yeah, you don't have to be a homeless to take these clothes. Anyone can! :D

About the Author: ONELove
We are two students in Sydney who work together to help others. We form this independent movement as a first step towards peace. Our mission is to bring unconditional love, that love is not limited to families and friends but to all other creatures. We are also trying to prove to people that it doesn't require much to help people, you just need to have a good intention. So let's join us, take your own first step to help others to heal the world. Contact us through this email: