We often see a familiar sign which we know represents peace. Something that look like this;
We know for sure that this sign represents peace. But have you ever wonder why this sign is chosen? Now let us share with our good hearted readers of our blog, the history of peace sign that you might want to know.
This sign was first invented in Britain by Gerald Holtom in 1958. At that time, this logo was used for a nuclear disarmament campaign to protest against nuclear war.
The symbol was designated from the naval code of semaphore, the code used is letter N and D that represents Nasal Disarmament. N is two flags, arms downstretched at a forty-five degree angle, and D is two flags, one arm straight up and one straight down. the ends of the ‘arms’ and ‘legs’ thicken and splay out noticeably as they approach the circumference.
V-sign is also used to symbolize peace. This sign which is widely known either to symbolize peace or just to get ready when taking pictures actually symbolizes victory that is used to represents victory during Second World War. It became widely used as peace symbol ever since the hippies often use this hand gesture followed by the word peace.
There is also another familiar sign that is widely used which is a picture of a dove or a dove carrying olive branch. In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, dove represents peace. And in Greek history, olive plant is considered sacred to the ancient goddess of wisdom, Athena.
These three symbols has been widely used to represent peace and perhaps help to unite people under one nation of one love. But no matter what sign is being used, peace and love doesn't have to require a sign in order to be spread. Perhaps love is invisible and human can feel it if we can show it by gestures and smiles, by good deeds and good heart and by helping other human. Such love will give a good positive energy vibration that makes you feel good. So, why don't we unite this good vibration and feel better every day? It is not hard indeed, we just have to love the person next to us :)
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About the Author: ONELove
We are two students in Sydney who work together to help others. We form this independent movement as a first step towards peace. Our mission is to bring unconditional love, that love is not limited to families and friends but to all other creatures. We are also trying to prove to people that it doesn't require much to help people, you just need to have a good intention. So let's join us, take your own first step to help others to heal the world. Contact us through this email: lovethepersonnexttoyou@gmail.com
Article Link: http://www.lovethepersonnexttoyou.blogspot.com/
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