Love The Person NeXT To You - What we are all about?

Love the person NeXT to you encourage people to give unconditional love to every other human being. That love is not limited to families and friends but can be given to anyone. Giving out love is not hard to do, perhaps it is so simple and easy that sometimes you didn't realize that you are actually giving love. So let's join us in this united nation of human love and bring peace to the world

Monday, November 30, 2009

New Look

We loved the old look that we have created but I thought it was too dark. I thought that if LTPNTY wants to talk about love and peace and make people happy, then our blog must have a fresh look and have more colors so people feel more cheerful when reading our blog. And therefore, in the effort of making people happier, we create a new look with more colors in it and added some features like videos and games so readers have some entertainment. Even if you don't want to read our blog, you can have a visit and play around. Videos posted in this blog is mainly about peace and love, and some video clips too from singers that sings mostly about love..

We hope you enjoy this new look. but if you experience any problem, maybe difficulties when opening this blog with slower internet connection, let us know because we are trying to make it easier and more enjoyable for people to read our blog..Love!

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