Love The Person NeXT To You - What we are all about?

Love the person NeXT to you encourage people to give unconditional love to every other human being. That love is not limited to families and friends but can be given to anyone. Giving out love is not hard to do, perhaps it is so simple and easy that sometimes you didn't realize that you are actually giving love. So let's join us in this united nation of human love and bring peace to the world

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Update on Second Project

We started collecting stuff from our friends since a week ago and managed to collect a lot of stuff especially woman's clothes. These stuff were mainly donated from those who finished studying and are going back to Malaysia for good. Stuff we collected this time were at least triple the amount of the stuff we had on our first project. Thanks to those who donated stuff; Erin, Barkers People, NAOMI, Fini, Hawa, Fina and Sheera. Your clothes have now gone to the hand of those who need it. And also special thanks to Idraki, Remie, Budin for helping us out. Your help really means a lot to us. Without you guys, we can't manage to do this project. 

So we started our small stall on that day (our stall  look like someone selling bundle used clothes). But the difference is that those clothes are free and yet still look nice, some of them were even brand new with price tag on it. So when we're done hanging clothes and setting up the stall, a few passerby stop to take a look at what we're doing. Some of them asked us the price of the clothes, and when we said they were all free and good to go, people started to go like "Really? How come?" We also get some people saying they felt guilty to take those clothes because they felt as if they were stealing them, since some other people like homeless may need the clothes more than they do. Our first idea was to help homeless people, but since we get many girls clothes and average size of the clothes were small, we don't think it would fit the homeless. In that case, we might as well give it to those who need it, doesn't matter if they were homeless or not. Maybe for students or traveler who need a new clothes and don't have much money to buy one. So, why not shopping a free cloth from our stall. And please don't feel guilty to take the clothes since they are all good to go, and anyone can take it. You just have to be alert of the posters that we are going to post around and follow us on our blog and Facebook, and then bring a huge bag to fit them clothes that you like. We'll be more than happy if you are happy. That is actually our main idea of doing this project. We get to help people with such a low budget and people get to have new stuff for no cost at all.

We got a lot of compliments and smiles on that day. There are some people who had even donated their stuff as well to us. There are also some of them who are interested in joining us for our projects- Thanks for your support! Helping people is perhaps easy, loving people is easier. When random people who you have never met before smile at you and said thank you, you'll feel another feeling that you can't really say how it is. You feel satisfied and happy and joy at the same time. The projects that we are doing is the least we can do to help people, and we hope next time more people can join us in our projects so we can help more people!

Or you don't even have to be one of us. You can do your own project to start people. We recommend you to cook extra lunch and give it to the homeless on your way to work/ uni. And if you want us to write about you in our blog, just email us or send us a message in Facebook with your pictures of helping homeless/ or just your own stories of decent effort to help others. We believe the world could be a better place if we can break the invisible wall between human, especially of those between the poor and the rich and create a nation with one love! :)

For more pictures on what's happening on that day, or you would like to see who gets your clothes, feel free to check out Facebook group called Love The Person NExT To You and go to our album of Second Project. Don't forget to be one of our fans too! Most of all, love the person next to you!

About the Author: ONELove
We are two students in Sydney who work together to help others. We form this independent movement as a first step towards peace. Our mission is to bring unconditional love, that love is not limited to families and friends but to all other creatures. We are also trying to prove to people that it doesn't require much to help people, you just need to have a good intention. So let's join us, take your own first step to help others to heal the world. Contact us through this email:

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